Medical Devices
Biosynthetic cellulose is a bioengineered material that can supply high levels of moisture as well as absorb drug solutions or emulsions.[1] These properties make it a highly suitable biomaterial for wound management, implants and active ingredient delivery. The structure of biosynthetic cellulose is generated by bacteria. It is this unique structure that makes this cellulose-based biomaterial an alternative to a wide range of synthetic and natural materials currently used in wound care. Biosynthetic cellulose also has the potential to surpass existing synthetic materials in the fields of implants and drug-delivery system.
We have created a functional wound dressing made out of the biomaterial biosynthetic cellulose. Our wound dressing is called epicite® and is especially suitable for the care of chronic wounds, surgical wounds and burns. We use biosynthetic cellulose to create a skin-friendly, soft biomaterial. The resulting dressing creates a healing and cooling microclimate on the wound surface.[2] The high conformity of the dressing on the wound and the low adherence means that dressings can be removed and changed nearly without pain and they are generally comfortable to wear.[3] Patients benefit from a more comfortable healing process, reduced risk of potential infections and returning to health more swiftly.[1] For healthcare practitioners, the dressing is easy to handle. Medical professionals can also use the bioengineered matrix structure to load the dressing with pharmaceutical active agents of choice. [4,5]
Our epicite wound dressings can be customized according to:
- Size
- Material structure and shaping
- Material properties
- Functionalization
Biosynthetic cellulose can also be used as a novel, nature-identical material for medical devices such as implants. It can be cultured to grow into the final desired application form, whether that is a tube, membrane, net, sphere, meniscus, or cartilage. This unique biomaterial is sterilizable by radiation or heat.
The following features of biosynthetic cellulose, make it especially suitable for implants:
- Very low immunogenicity
- Very high biocompatibility
- High flexibility, and mechanical strength
- Long-term biostability
- Permeability to gases and liquids
- Adjustable cell attachment
If you would like to find out more about our innovation epicite® and how it can be applied to wound healing or as a medical device, please get in touch with us:
[1] Cattelaens et al. The Impact of a Nanocellulose-Based Wound Dressing in the Management of Thermal Injuries in Children: Results of a Retrospective Evaluation. Life (Basel). 2020 Sep 19;10(9):212.
[2] Holzer et al. A novel human ex-vivo burn model and the local cooling effect of a bacterial nanocellulose-based wound dressing. Burns 2020 Dec 46(8):1924-1932.
[3] Klinische Anwendungsstudie im Rahmen der Maßnahmen des PMCF Epicitehydro an chronischen Wunden“ (2021)
[4] Bernardelli et al.; Delivery of antiseptic solutions by a bacterial cellulose wound dressing: Uptake, release and antibacterial efficacy of octenidine and povidone-iodine.; Burns. 2020 Jun;46(4):918-927.
[5] Bernardelli et al.; Uptake of PHMB in a bacterial nanocellulose-based wound dressing: A feasible clinical procedure; Burns . 2019 Jun;45(4):898-904.