Our Brands
Biosynthetic cellulose, a nature-inspired hydropolymer with properties for next-generation products in medical technology, pharma and dermatology.
Biotechnology has increased our access to modern and nature-based materials. This has improved the treatment of diseases, infections and injuries and made a positive contribution to medicine.
Our biosynthetic cellulose is produced by bacteria that biosynthesize a three-dimensional network out of glucose building blocks. The fibers form a matrix which holds a large amount of water and is highly flexible for a wide range of applications.
Our portfolio around biosynthetic cellulose includes three brands for different application areas:

The base material of our biosynthetic cellulose is marketed under the brand name biocellic®. It is soft, flexible, moist and cool, and can be produced in numerous shapes and sizes, making it ideal for custom developments. ... MORE

epi nouvelle®
epi nouvelle® is a skin-friendly biomaterial made from vegetable raw materials. This natural, renewable biopolymer of 100 percent pure cellulose has unique material properties due to its nanostructured fiber network. epi nouvelle® has an extremely soft and smooth surface and provides a moisturizing, cooling and soothing effect on the skin. ... MORE

epicite® balance
Our epicite® balance wound dressings are made for the treatment of chronic and slow healing wounds. They are composed of biosynthetic cellulose and more than 95 percent isotonic saline. ... MORE